目的研究口服水飞蓟宾片在犬体内的药代动力学.方法两只Beagle犬口服水飞蓟宾片后,用RP-HPLC法测定血浆中水飞蓟宾浓度,以BAPP程序计算其药动学参数.结果在选定的色谱条件下水飞蓟宾与内标及血浆杂质分离良好,标准曲线回归方程f=0.0717+0.0068C,r=0.9998,在5.3~680 ng·ml-1范围内线性良好.相对回收率大于95.6%,绝对回收率大于75.2%.日内和日间RSD小于8.88.估算的水飞蓟宾的消除半衰期为1.11 h,达峰时间和达峰浓度分别为2.0 h(A犬)、1.5 h(B犬)和542.5 ng·ml-1(A犬)、816.2(B犬)ng·ml-1.结论改进的RP-HPLC测定法,杂质无干扰,重复性好,准确度高.犬的药代动力学参数首次报道,与人及家兔不同,可能存在种族差异.
AIM To study the pharmacokinetics of silybin in Beagle plasma. METHODS Two Beagles were given the silybin tablet by oral. The concentration of silybin in plasma was determined by RP-HPLC with UV detector. The phannacokinetic parameters were calculated by BAPP software. RESULTS The calibration curve was linear in the range from 5.3 ng· ml^- 1 to 680 ng· ml^- 1 . The relative recovery was more than 95.6%,and the absolute recovery was more than 75.2%.The intra day RSD was less than 7.15,and the inter day RSD was less than 8.88.The pharmaeokinetic parameters were T1/2 = 1.11 h, Cmax = 542.5(A) ng·ml^-1,816.2(B)ng·ml^-1, Tmax = 2.0(A)h, 1.5(B)h. CONCLUSION The pharmacokinetical parameters for Beagle are different from those in human and rabbit.
Jiangsu Pharmacertical and Clinical Research