德尔它4系列运载火箭是美国近年发展的新一代大推力、低成本、高可靠性的运载火箭.它综合运用了新技术和成熟的技术.继承采用了德尔它3的上面级和德尔它2的制导系统,研制了新的配备RS-68液氢液氧一级发动机的公共助推芯级.德尔它4系列基于一个公共助推核心有5种构型,能将4 233~12 757kg规格的中型和重型载荷送入地球同步转移轨道(GTO).
Delta Ⅳ launch vehicles are the new generation of heavy-lifting, expendable and low cost rocket of the U. S. New technology and processes are incorporated together with the mature technology in Delta IV. In addtion, it inherited the upper stage of Delta Ⅲ, the guidance system of Delta Ⅱ and developed the new liquid hydrogen/oxygen RS-68 engine on the first stage. The delta Ⅳ is composed of five configurations based on a common booster core (CBC), which is capable of carrying payloads ranging from 4 233 to 12 757 kg into the geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO).
Missiles and Space Vehicles