目的:研制经济简便、易搬运携带、可真实模拟实船水下非接触爆炸响应的模拟舰船冲击装置。方法:根据空气动力学原理采用传感器检测技术模拟舰船冲击装置,并对该装置的冲击响应用动物实验检验。选择4个冲击级别,每组10只青紫兰兔,分别观察不同冲击加速度、冲击持续时间和位移对实验兔的致伤作用。结果:本装置性能稳定、安全,冲击加速度值最高可达1 000 m/s2,持续时间约2 ms,砧板位移约100 mm;4个冲击加速度级别差异显著,数据重复性好;兔冲击伤主要表现为胸腹腔脏器的不同程度点片状出血,未见脏器破裂,尤以肺损伤率最高,其损伤程度和波及范围随冲击加速度的增大有加重趋势。结论:该装置可模拟舰船冲击环境。
Objective:To develop an economical,simple and portable device for imitation of ship shock motion produced by non-contacting under water explosion. Methods:The device was developed based on aerodynamical principles and sensor detection technology,and was tested with animal experiments to verify its performance. The injuries caused by 4 grades of shock motions with different accelerations, duration and displacement were observed in 40 black rabbits (10 for each grade). Results:The device was safe and functionally stable, with a peak acceleration of 1 000 m/s^2 ,a shock duration of about 2 ms and a device displacement of 100 mm. The accelerations of 4 shock motion grades were significantly different and with good reproducibility. The damage to the rabbits were mainly haemorrhage of different extents in organs of pleuroperitoneal cavity, especially in the lungs, but no rupture of organs was found. The degree and involvement of damage had an increasing tendency with the increase of acceleration of shock motion. Conclusion: The device we developed can imitate the effects of ship shock motion.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University