目的:研究胞内M-CSF及其受体在肝癌SMMC 7721细胞的表达与性质,探讨胞内M-CSF对SMMC 7721细胞增殖的影响及其机制。方法:以高表达M-CSF的人肝癌细胞系(SMMC 7721细胞)为模型,以免疫组化、流式细胞计数、反义技术与蛋白印迹等方法观测胞内M-CSF对SMMC 7721细胞增殖的影响及其机制。结果:M-CSF 及其受体主要在SMMC 7721细胞的胞质、胞核中表达,胞内的M-CSF 的相对分子量为20 000,M-CSFR的相对分子量为120 000;免疫共沉淀分析证明M-CSF在细胞内与M-CSFR以复合物的形式存在;M-CSF的单克隆抗体及其反义寡聚核苷酸能抑制SMMC 7721细胞的增殖、下调CYCLIND1/E的表达和上调P16的表达,且M-CSF的单克隆抗体及其反义寡聚核苷酸的联合使用能进一步加强对SMMC 7721细胞抑制作用和增加下调CYCLIND1/E和上调P16的表达幅度。结论:SMMC 7721细胞受M-CSF胞外自分泌和胞内自分泌的双重调控。
AIM: To study the expression and characterization of intracellular macrophage colony - stimulating factor (M - CSF) in human hepatoma cell line, SMMC 7721 cell, and to explore the mechanism by which M - CSF regulates the proliferation of human hepatoma cells. METHODS: The inununohistochemical staining, flow cytometry, antisense technique and Western blotting were used to study the effects and mechanisms of intracellular M - CSF on the proliferation of human hepatoma cells. RESULTS: SMMC 7721 cells highly expressed M - CSF and its receptor. The localization of positive reactions was mainly in cytoplasma and nucleus in SMMC 7721 cells. In cytoplasma and nucleus, one isoforms of M - CSF was found with the molecular weight (MW) of 20 kD, while one type of M - CSFR was discovered with MW of 120 kD. lmnunoprecipitation assay showed that these ligands existed in binding with its receptor. Moneclonal antibody (McAb) against M - CSF and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ASODN) blocking M - CSF expression inhibited the proliferation of SMMC 7721 cells. McAb and ASODN regulated the expression of cyclin DI/E and p16. Simultaneous adninistration of both McAb and ASODN inhibited the proliferation of SMMC 7721 cells and modulated the expression of cyclins at greater degrees. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that an autecrine and an intrac'rine loop of M - CSF/M - CSFR are present in SMMC 7721 cells.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology