Aim:To investigate the pathological changes of the bone marrow in patients with POEMS syndrome. Methods: 3 patients underwent bone marrow puncture, biopsy and immunohistochemical examination and the pathological changes were analyzed. Results:The bone marrow puncture results of 2 patients are normal and another one shows an elevation of plasma cells; the biopsy and the immunohistochemical results of all the 3 patients are abnormal. The biopsy displays a disperse or focal infiltration of mature plasma cells and plasmoblasts. The results of the immunohistochemical examination suggest a reactive plasma cell proliferation or a somewhat monoclonal (M) ganunopathy. Conclusion: The pathological change of the bone marrow in POEMS syndrome is a kind of transitional expression which is between that of the normal bone marrow and the malignant lymphoma.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences