从2000年4月至2004年4月,在四川省洪雅县对赤腹松鼠川东亚种(Callosciurus erythraeus bonhotei)的部分生物学特性进行了观察研究,结果表明:赤腹松鼠是晨昏活动型啮齿动物,主要活动时间在上午7:30~9:00和下午17:00~19:30,晴天的活动频率高,下雨、刮风或大雾的时候几乎没有活动.赤腹松鼠种群的雌雄性比为1:1.05.繁殖季节主要在春季,可能一年四季都有繁殖能力,每胎胎仔数为1~3只.营巢方式多样,主要是在大树的树冠上营巢,也有地面巢,树上巢使用的时间不长,可能是繁殖时才营巢.
From April 2000 to April 2004, the biology of red-bellied squirrels were studied in Hongya County of Sichuan,The results have shown that the squirrel is a morning-and-night movable type animal, and main activity time is between 7 : 30 and 9 : 00 in the morning and between 17 : 00 and 19 : 30 in the afternoon. Its movable frequency is high in a clear day, but in the time of the rain, blowing or heavy mist it almost has no activity. The rate of its female and male is 1 : 1.05. Its breeding season is in spring,and it can also have a breeding ability in the four seasons of a year,bearing one or three young per litter. Its nest is usually built on the top of big tree, but the nest's using time is not long. Its nest is too found on the ground. It is possible that the squirrel builds its nest only in reproductive duration.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
Red-bellied squirrel, Biology, Breeding, Nest