以优质啤酒大麦澳选1号、2号和3号为试验材料,对播种期和施肥量进行研究,各设四个处理,结果 表明:3个品种在滇中地区以10月29到11月8日播期较好,其中10月29习播种的澳选2号施150kg/hm2 纯N最好,澳选1号和3号施300kg/hm2纯N最好;11月8日播种,澳选1号和2号施75kg/hm2纯N最好, 澳选3号施225kg/hm2纯N最好。3个品种的产量均与播种期、有效穗、无效分蘖、实粒数和空粒数有极显著 或显著的相关性,与施氮量和基本苗关系不大。
With High-character malt barley (Clipper, Aaoxuan 2, Schooner) as the testing material, the effects of N- fertilizer level and breeding system on economic character were studied. and arranged four treatments respectively. The main results were showed that: 1)Clipper, Aaoxuan 2 and Schooner were planted from October 29 to November 8. Meanwhile, Aaoxuan 2 was planted on October 29 by 150kg. hm- 2 N, Clipper and Schooner were planted on October 29 by 300 kg. hm-2 N. 2)Clipper and Aaoxuan 2 were planted on November 8 by 75 kg. hm - 2 N, Schooner was planted on November 8 by 225 kg. hm - 2 N. 3) There were significant or extremely significant correlation between yield and economic characters (breeding time, panicles per plant, ineffective tiller, filled grains per panicle, lighted grains per panicle) of three malt barleys. Correlation of yield and characters (N- fertilizer, basal seedling) were not significant.
Barley Science