目的:探讨3-7颈椎有限元模型的建立,以期应用于临床实验研究。方法:通过CT扫描、Uni- graphics V18.0软件进行影像边界记录、定标等方法,按照点、线、面、体的顺序重建三维结构,采用CAD数据处理技术,输入相关的材料特性,构建3-7颈椎三维有限元模型。并通过有限元分析验证重建模型的有效性。结果:采用Unigraphics V18.0软件建立3-7颈椎的实体模型并划分单元,并分析了生理载荷下3- 7颈椎不同组成部分的应力分布。结论:为颈椎有限元模型的建立提供了一种简便、准确的方法,为分析和研究各种情况下生物力学表现创造了条件。
Objective: To develop a detailed, three- dimensional, finite element model of a human cervical spine from C3 -C7 and validated against available experimental data for the biomechanical study of the cervical spine. Methods: Reconstructing the skeleton through CT scan, recording the edges of image, calibrating in sequence of point, curve area and volume. Mapped- mesh technique was used to obtain the finite element, adopt finite element commercial software package was used to study the response of the model. Results: The model of cervical spine from C3 - C7 was reconstructed and verified by finite element analysis and the stress distribution of the cervical spine from C3 - C7 was analysed under physical loading. Conclusion: The way in this study is a exact and simple one to establish the finite element model of the cervical spine from C3 - C7. It is possible to analyse and research the biomeehanieal behavior of the cervical spine in various case.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal