介绍了"OTO"76mm 舰炮供弹系统的重要部件螺旋扬弹机,给出了部分数据和结构示意图,对扬弹鼓、链式提升机及其提弹车的结构和工作原理进行了分析,推算出了螺旋扬弹机的转动速度及链条运动速度、链条节距及总长度、提升高度及其对应时间和提弹间距等结构及其运动状态参数。
The screw feeder is introduced in this paper which is an important part of “OTO” 76 mm Naval Gun feeding system. Partial data and configuration drawing are given, the configuration and working principle of hoist drum, chain elevator and ammunition lifting carts are analyzed. Structural and motion state parameters such as screw feeder rotating speed, chain motion speed, chain pitch and total length, lifting height and its corresponding time, hoisting space are calculated.
Journal of Gun Launch & Control