Applying the immunohistochemical methed, we have studied expressions of oncogene C-ras p21 and of genetic albumin ofnuclear antigen PCNA of the proliferative cell in 120 cases of epitheliomas (60 cases of cystadenocarcinoma. 30 cascs of bordcrline cys-tadenoma and 30 cases of benign cystadenoma). The results of this study show: the pocitive expression rate of C-ras p21 in cystadeno-carinoma of the ovary was 81. 5 % and that of borderline cystadenoma was 60. 6% . while that of benign cystadenoma was only 17. 2 %.A significant difference was found (P< 0.01 ). The positive expression rate of class A (its rate is rnore than 65 % ) of PCNA was88. 25 % in cystadenocarc inoma, and 56. 6% in bord erline cystadenoma. It is show n t hat in the slice s of the ovarian cystadenoma, detec-tion of the positive expression rate of C-ras p21 and cellular proliferation of PCNA has great value in grading and diagnosis for benighand rnalignant ovarian cystadenomas. It also indecates that the cases whose expression of C-ras p21 and PCNA are both poritive haveshorter survival period after operation. C-ras p21 and PCNA expression relates to metastasis of tumors.
Tumors of the ovary Oncogene C-ras p21 Nuclear antigen of the proliferative cell Immunohistochemistry