Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate whole body vlbration exposure incabins of passenger aircrafts and helicopters, and provide data for drafting their permitted standards.Method Measurernents of whole body vihration exposure in cablns of five types of passenger aircraft(B-747,B-767, MD-82, A-3Oo, and Y-7 ) and two types of helicopter (M-8 and Bele-212) were carriedout uslng HE5935 human body response vibration rneter. Results The average weight vibration ac-celerations in the longitudinal direction of hurnan body (awz) in cahins of various passenger aircrafts andhelicopters were 0. 16- 0. 29 m/s2 and 0. 45 2. 00 m/s2 respectively, and those in the transverse direc-tions (awx,y) were 0. 22- 0. 84 m/s2 and 0. 56- 2. 82 m/s2. Weighted vibration acceleration in cockpitwas higher than that in passenger cabin. The differences between weighted vibration accelerations inpessenger air crafts and helicopters were significant. Conclusion Basing on surveyed results andstandards of permitted v1bratlon acceleration home and ahroad, we suggested that awz be less than 0. 32m/s2, awx,y be less than 0. 22 m/s2 and awz be less than 0. 53 m/s2, awx.y be less than 0. 36 m/s2 as the per-mitted standards of human body vihration exposure acceleration in passenger aircraft and helicopter cab-ins respectively.
Vibration Health surveys Passenger aircraft cabin