扬子地台存在约3 000 Ma结晶基底,已发现雪峰期、加里东期两个确切的金刚石成矿期和中、新生代推测成矿期。根据地台周缘存在环状的相关岩带,预示地台中心的川东、重庆地区是探索性寻找金伯利岩的可选地区。要取得较好的找矿效果,还必须在上述地区针对某一成矿期,研究其成矿后抬升剥蚀及沉陷埋藏特征。
The Yangtze platform has a crystalline basement with an age of 3 Ga, containing 2 definite diamond - forming periods such Xuefeng and Caledonian Periods and a possible diamond - forming period. On the basis of the presence of related ring petrological zones on the margin of the platform, it is suggested that east Sichusan and Chongqing regions are favorable one for searching for kimberlite. A study of post - ore denudation and subsidence in such regions in some ore- forming period is of importance to the prospecting.
Acta Geologica Sichuan