
成都金沙遗址距今3000年的古气候探讨 被引量:15

Discussion on paleoclimate of Jinsha Site in Chengdu in 3000 a BP
摘要 成都金沙遗址位于成都西郊金沙村,推测是商代晚期至西周时期(约公元前11世纪-前770年)古蜀国的都邑所在地。文中分析了金沙遗址2个探方WT7908和IT8305的31个孢粉样品。探方IT8305孢粉组合表明:蕨类植物孢子占60.3%,草本被子植物花粉占24.8%,木本裸子和被子植物花粉占14.2%,水生植物花粉相对较少,仅占0.7%。蕨类植物主要以蹄盖蕨科、水龙骨科和凤尾蕨属为主,草本植物中野牡丹科占绝对优势,木本裸子和被子植物中主要以松属和桦木属为主,水生植物主要包括双星藻、鸭跖草科和香蒲属。成都平原在这个时期的气候分为2个阶段,早期的气候属于亚热带温暖湿润气候,平原上生长着茂盛的草本植物和蕨类植物;晚期的气候虽然还属于亚热带气候,但较早期更加湿热,气温和降雨量都比早期要高,平原上生长的草本植物种类有所减少,蕨类植物种类有所增加。定量分析了金沙遗址距今3 000年的古气候:年均温17.7~19.8℃,最热月均温21.7~28.6℃,最冷月均温11.5~11.9℃,年较差12.1~14.9℃,年降雨量993.3~1 113.3mm,最大月降雨量224.6~268.1mm,最小月降雨量6.9~14.1mm。成都地区3 000年前的年均温比现在要高1.7~2.8℃,年降雨量基本和现在一致。 Jinsha Site is located at Jinsha Village in the western part of Chengdu City. This site is considered to be the capital of ancient Shu Kingdom during the period from the late Shang Dynasty to Xizhou Dynasty (about BC 1100- 770 a). Thirty-one palynological samples collected from two profiles (WT7908 and IT8305) at the Jinsha Site were analyzed. The results show that the samples from profile IT8305 contain abundant pollen and spores. The palynological assemblage shows that pteridophyte spores are dominated by Athyraceae, Polypodiaceae and Pteris, with 60.3% in the whole content. The pollen of herbs is 24.8 % in percentage, with the abundant pollen of Melastomataceae. The pollen of trees and shrubs, with main types of Pinus and Betula, takes 14.2 % in the whole content. The pollen of aquatic plants reaches 0.7%, including Zygnemataceae, Commelinaceae and Typha. Based on the palynological data of the Jinsha Site, the subtropical climate in the Chengdu Plain is divided into two stages, with the warm and wet condition at the first stage and more humid and hot one at the second stage. The climate of the Jinsha Site in 3 000 a BP was also quantitatively reconstructed by the coexistence approach, and the results show that the mean annual temperature was 17.7-19.8 ℃, the mean temperature of the warmest month was 21.7-28.6℃, the mean temperature of the coldest month was 11.5 - 11.9 ℃, coldest and warmest months was 12.1-14.9℃, the mean the difference of temperatures between annual precipitation was 993.3 - 1113.3 mm, the maximum monthly precipitation was 224.6-268.1 mm, and the minimum monthly precipitation was 6.9-14.1 mm. The mean annual temperature in Chengdu region in 3 000 a BP is suggested to be 1.7- 2.8 ℃ higher than the present value, while the mean annual precipitation is in conformity with the recent one.
出处 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第4期549-560,共12页 Journal of Palaeogeography:Chinese Edition
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2004CB720200)资助项目
关键词 成都 金沙遗址 距今3 000年 孢粉 古气候 Chengdu, Jinsha Site, 3 000 a BP, pollen and spores, paleoclimate
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