It is difficult to predict the track of typhoon moving westward and turning northward in the South China Sea. In the context of potential vorticity (PV), the track of severe subtropical storm “Helen”(9505, briefly 9505TC) is investigated, which moved in the South China Sea with the track mentioned above. The diagnostic resuits of PV at 325 K isentropic surface reveal that the southerly in the east of 9505TC transports high PV into the subtropical high, leading to a rupture in the long, zonal subtropical high with the main of the subtropical high moving eastward, which results in the northward turning of 9505TC. After that, the trough with high PV over the Japan Sea at middle and high latitudes and the easterly wave system at low latitudes transfer positive PV advection into the subtropical high, on the one hand, to reduce the intensity of the subtropical high, on the other hand, to induce the southward moving of the subtropical high with strengthened southerly in the west. Finally there is a low meridional PV center in the subtropical high, and 9505TC finishes the northward turning steered by the southerly. Following the above, it can be considered that the rupture of the subtropical high and the breakpoint in the wind field are key factors to induce the abnormal track of 9505TC, and it is a result of nonlinear interaction between the environment filed and 9505TC. Using the nonhydrostatic version of meso-scale numerical model MMS, and introducing a bogus typhoon into the initial field, the numerical simulations are performed to investigate the abnormal track of 9505TC. In control experiments, the rupture in the subtropical high and the northward turning of 9505TC across the breakpoint are simulated successfully, and the landing point as well. Further sensitive experiments results display, though with a changed initial field by modifying the strength of the subtropical high and cold vortex, there still exists a rupture in the subtropical high during the integration, which induces the northward turning
Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
tropical cyclone, north turning of westward moving typhoon, unusual track