阐述了无信号源的、采用维恩电桥振荡器直接实现功率输出的激磁电源的设计思想和工作原理,以及核心器件OPA548的性能参数、电路稳幅稳频措施和实际应用中的注意事项。介绍了通过反相叠加和LC串联谐振提高电压幅值的电源工作方式,使电路在±15V供电时能够提供稳定的 36V/400Hz正弦波电压。
The design idea and working principium of the excitatory power supply based on WIEN bridge oscillator without signal source are expatiated on, In addition, the performance paramneter of OPA548, the method of the amplitude and frequency stabilization and some notes about practical applications are offerod. It is introduced a power supply, which can provide steady 36V/400Hz sine wave voltage with ±15V input power supply by inverter-amplifier and LC series resonance circuit.
Power Supply Technologles and Applications