利用正电子核素药物 ̄(13)N-NH_3、 ̄(18)F-FDG进行心肌血流灌注PET显像和心肌代谢PET显像,进行CAD的早期诊断和心肌存活性判断。总结了15例CAD患者;10例健康查体者15例心肌梗塞患者心脏PET显像检查的护理操作与放射防护。并探讨了静注潘生丁后出现副作用的应急护理。
AbstractPositron emitted tracers of^(13)N-NH_3,^(18)F-FDG wereused in PET imaging for myeeardium blood flow perfusionand glucose metabolism in early diagnosis of coronary arterydisease(CAD)and evaluation of myocardial viability,15 pa-tients with CAD.10 cases for health examination and5 pa-tients with myocardial infarction were examined. We summa-rized the experienc of nursing care and radiation protectionduring PET imaging,and the side effects of dipyridamole in-travenously,and emergency mangement was also diseussed.
Journal of Practical Nursing