2000年7月15日,南京市雨花台区铁心桥镇尹西村工业园施工人员在平整土地过程中发现一座古墓葬,南京市文物研究所闻讯后,立即对该墓进行抢救性发掘。墓葬(编号为 NYTWM1,简称 WM1)位于南京市南郊石子冈西南王家山南麓,考古人员到现场时,发现墓葬上部封土已被推平,甬道一角严重坍塌,甬道顶部有一盗洞,甬道内塞满淤泥和碎砖。从现场判断,此墓在历史上曾被盗。
In 2000, the Nanjing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics excavated in a rescuing mode a tomb at Tiexinqiao in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing City. This is a vaulted brick-chambered tomb with a 凸 -shaped plan, measuring 8.18 m in overall length and 2.82 m in width and consisting of a gate-blocking wall, a corridor and a chamber. It yielded celadon, pottery, bronze nails and iron cof- fin-nails. Judging from its shape and funeral objects, the tomb was a middle-sized burial of the late Eastern Jin period and its occupant must have belonged to the then aristocracy. The celadon yielded consists mainly of products of the Fengcheng workshop, though some might have been from the Yue and Xiangyin kilns.