为拟月角革螨另立新名为欧拉角革螨Cornigamasus oul aensisMa,nom.nov.,并记载中国北方异肢螨属6种,即:地下异肢螨Poecilochirus subterraneus(J.Müller),达氏异肢螨P.davydovae Hyatt,澳亚异肢螨P.austroasiaticus Vitzthum,卡拉毕异肢螨P.carabiG.etR.Canestrini,埋异肢螨P.necrophori Vitzthum,特雷异肢螨P.trebinjensis Willmann。列有检索表并绘图,以供鉴别。
Replacement name for Cornigamasus lunaroides Ma, 1986 Cornigamasus lunaroides Ma, 1986(Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 11(4) : 384-386) ,the species name is preoccupied by Athias-Henriot (1980) that is a homonymum junius of Cornigamasus lunarioides Athias-Henriot, 1980 (Folia Entomolgica Hungarica, 33 (1) : 15), therefore, the former name should be replaced as Cornigamasus oulaensis Ma,nom ,nov..
Acta Arachnologica Sinica