Populus tomentosa Carr, Chinese white poplar, is a large deciduous tree up to 30m tall and belongs to Section Leuce in Genus Populus. Family Salicacceae. Trunk is grey with irregular lenticels. Crown is conical to ovoidglobose, globose, or fastigiated; branchlets at first gray tomentose, glabrescent. Buds are ovoid, ovoid-globose to subglobose, tomentulose. Leaf blade is triangular ovate to deltoidovate, abaxially tomenrose when leaves unfold, glabrescent, margin with irregular teeth. Flowers are monoecious and aggregated in catkins.
Populus tomentosa Carr, Chinese white poplar, is a large deciduous tree up to 30m tall and belongs to Section Leuce in Genus Populus. Family Salicacceae. Trunk is grey with irregular lenticels. Crown is conical to ovoidglobose, globose, or fastigiated; branchlets at first gray tomentose, glabrescent. Buds are ovoid, ovoid-globose to subglobose, tomentulose. Leaf blade is triangular ovate to deltoidovate, abaxially tomenrose when leaves unfold, glabrescent, margin with irregular teeth. Flowers are monoecious and aggregated in catkins.