坐落于台北盆地软弱地质以及饱受地震、台风等天灾侵袭的“TAIPEI101”成为了世界最高建筑物大楼的代名词,相较于海外超高层大楼的环境与条件,508m高的台北101大楼有着截然不同的困难与挑战,然而在众人的瞩目下,台北101大楼已昂首耸立于台北新天空,其整体工程亦已实质完工。“Bringing Taipei to The World”一直是业主团队期望打造的远大愿景,在国际观的思维考量下,安全、品质与专业分工为本工程最重要诉求,在“边设计、边施工”的模式下,业主-台北金融大楼股份有限公司选择了结合海内、外优秀国际团队进行联合承揽规划设计、监造管理与营建施工。在钢结构相关工程之施工与监造上,如特殊钢板规格以及相称焊材的研发与量产、巨型钢柱分节与吊运设备、巨柱制造电焊工法与过程控制、钢结构现场吊装与电焊品质控制、10,000psi(69MPa)之巨柱柱内灌浆规划与施工、429m高度的柱内灌浆验证与施工、裙楼80m跨距之造型屋顶构架制造与安装、5.5m直径及660t重之大型调质阻尼器质量块吊装与电焊、508m高度之塔尖顶升施工、331地震造成之损害与修护,以及配合多次施工中进行之大幅度补充设计及变更设计等等均为本工程艰困的施工特性。本公司有幸实质参与兴建台北101大楼之结构设计与结构监造工作长达七年时间,在所有团队的不懈努力下,台北101之结构工程终告圆满完成。本文旨在概要说明本工程钢结构工程之施工与监造之历程与结果,并佐以相关检讨与说明,期能供为学术界与工程界之参考。本文为第二部分。
Taipei 101, located in the earthquake and typhoon prone Taipei Basin with weak geological condition, has now recognized as the tallest building in the world. Comparing with other super high-rise buildings worldwide, the 508 meter high Taipei 101 building faces more challenges during design and construction. In spite of all these difficulties, the building has now been completed and rises up in the sky of Taipei City.
“Bringing Taipei to the World” is always the ambitious goal for the whole owner's team. Safety, quality, and professionalization are considered the top priorities of this project. For the purpose of internationalization, the design and construction teams are consisted of outstanding local and foreign engineers.
There are many features that cause the structural steel construction and supervision a tough job such as: the special steel specification, the matching weld material, the tiering and transportation of super-columns, the welding process and methods, the erection and the welding quality control at job site, the 10,000 psi filled-in concrete construction, the mock-up test of 429 meter high filled-in concrete, the production and erection of 80 meter span roof truss at podium, the erection and welding of the 5.5 meter diameter, 660 tones, giant tuned mass damper, the jacking-up of the pinnacle, the damage and remedial work cause by the 331 Earthquake, and many design revisions during construction. It has Been our great honor to be able to participate in the building structural design and the construction supervision of the Taipei 101 building. With the efforts of all the parties, the structural works of Taipei 101 building has now smoothly been cornpleted This paper briefly describes the structural steel construction and supervision processes and results. With the supplcmentary study of the above mentioned topics, we would like to share these information and exDeriences with other engineers and researchers. This is the second part of the article.
Progress in Steel Building Structures
TAIPE1 101
structural steel
structural design
structural supervision