研究了常压下不同温度和0.5~2.0 mol/L甲醇浓度对直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)性能的影响.膜电极集合体(Membrane electrode assembly,MEA)是用Nafion117作固体电解质、一定量的PtRu/C和Pt/C电催化剂分别作阳极和阴极.通过极化曲线和交流阻抗谱的测量对电池的性能进行了分析.功率密度随温度的升高而增大,随甲醇浓度的增加而增大直到1 mol/L达到最大值,在常压363 K时最大功率密度为135 mW/cm2.
In this paper,the authors studied the performance of a direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC) affected by varying temperature and the 0.5- 2.0 mol/L methanol in water solution at atmospheric pressure. The membrane electrode assembly(MEA) came from Nation 117 as a solid polymer electrolyte and suitable PtRu/C and Pt/C electrocatalyst for the anode and cathode respectively.The cell performance was analyzed based on the measurement of the polarisation curves and ac impedance spectra.The power density increased with the increasing temperature and increasing mathanol concentration up to 1 mol/L.The relatively large power density of 135 mW/cm^2 was obtained at 363 K under atmospheric pressure.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University