以二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸钠(简称DDTC)为保护剂,在没有相转移试剂四辛基溴化铵存在的情况下,于两相体系中合成了一种新的银的单分子层保护团簇(MPCs).通过UV-Vis,TEM等表征结果表明:所制得的MPCs无论是液态还是固态均比较稳定,而且粒子尺寸分布比较窄,平均粒径8 nm.同时考察了不同溶剂对其溶解度及稳定性的影响.
An interphase synthesis of monolayer protected silver nanoelusters (MPCs) using cupral (DDTC) as the coating agent has been described without the presence of the phase transfer reagent. Although the carbon chain of the coating agent is short, the as- synthesized MPCs are fairly stable both in the liquid and solid state. Moreover, the MPCs prepared via this method have a considerably narrow size distribution and an average size of about 8 nm. TEM and UV - vis are used for the characterization of the as-synthesized products.
Journal of Xuchang University