在内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗东部的金莲川草原上,至今屹立着一座雄伟的古城遗址,这就是沉寂了六百余年的草原国际大都会———元上都。古城始建于1256年,初名开平府。1260年,忽必烈在此登基,继蒙古汗位,这里遂成为临时都城。开平汗庭的建立,在蒙元史上是有重大政治意义的事件。蒙古国前四汗的统治中心都在漠北和林地区,从忽必烈开始,统治中心转移到了漠南汉地。元上都有宫城、皇城和外城三重城垣,外城平面呈方形,周长8 800余米。元上都的四关范围十分广大,每一关厢地带都如上都城址一般大小。依据调查材料,四关内的遗址大致可以分为官署、仓址、驿馆、大型院落、店铺、民居和兵营等几类,是上都城的重要组成部分。元上都周围发掘的元代墓葬,明显地分为两类。一类是汉人家族墓地;一类是普通蒙古人的墓葬。羊群庙奎树沟地区发现的元代祭祀遗址和石雕人像,反映了元代蒙古上层贵族对天和祖先崇拜的思想。在羊群庙出土4座汉白玉雕像的祭祀基址,应是元代权臣燕铁木儿三代祖先的宗庙和燕铁木儿本人的生祠所在地。
There has stood a great ruin of ancient city in the grassland of Jin Lian Chuan in Inner Mongolia, that is the grassland interuational capital with 600 years silence, Shang Du of Yuan Dynasty. The Ancient City was built from the year of 1256, and it was given the name of Kaiping city. In the year of 1260, Hubilie succeeded the Han throne here and the city became the temporary capital city. The building up of Kaiping as the regime' s capital was a incident with great political significance in the history of Yuan Mongolia, since the ruling center of the previous four regimes were all in the area of south of Mo, from Hubilie, the ruling center moved to the north of Mo, where was Chinese area. The Yuan Capital has three layers of walls, and the outside wall with the shape of square in surface, and 8 800 meter in girth. The four passes of the capital city covered a very wide range of land and every pass has the area as big as the capital. The tombs of Yuan Dynasty discovered around the ancient capital can be divided into two types, one type was the tombs of the families of Han Nationality, the other type was the tombs of normal Mongolia people.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
Shang Du of Yuan Dynasty
the ruin of the capital of Yuan dynasty
Yuan Dynasty archaeology