矿产资源具有不可再生性、有限性、分布不均衡性特点 ,但它对人类有极为重要的作用。我国对矿产资源的立法极为重视 ,自 2 0世纪 5 0年代开始就颁布和制定了一系列法律、法规 ,但在实践中立法和执法均存在一些问题。各有关部门应积极作为 ,严格执法 ,才能使矿产资源法律制度更加完善。
The mineral resources have the characters of not be recycled, limitation and its distributing is not balance. But it has important effect to human being. Government pay great attention to the legislation of mineral resources. A series of laws and regulations have been promulgated and made sice 1950. There are still some problems about the legislation and the enforcement law in practice. Various government departments should do actively and enforce the law strictly in order to perfect legal system of mineral resources.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators