丹科 2 15 1是丹东农业科学院以自育系丹 717为母本 ,自育系丹 5 98为父本组配而成的玉米单交种 ,各级试验示范结果表明 :丹科 2 15 1比现在应用品种增产 5 %以上 ,具有多抗各种病害 ,抗倒伏 ,抗旱 ,生育期适中 ,品质好 ,适应性广等特点 ,已在北方春玉米区推广种植。是深受农民欢迎的新品种之一。
Danke 2151 is single cross hybrid maize which was combined with 717 as the female parent and Dan 598 as the male parent. It showed from the various experiment in different regions that Danke 2151 increase the yield of more than 5% comparing with the varieties used in production and has the character of high resistance to disease and lodging, high comprehensive productive forces, wide adaptation etc. This new variety has been planted widely in the north area of planting spring maize and received by farmers widely through the application.
Journal of Liaoning Agricultural Technical College