对《石油化工企业设计防火规范》(GB50160)应用中的五个具体问题进行了分析和探讨,并提出了相应的修改意见:(1)高火灾危险设备的液位下主要出料口增设紧急切断阀的规定;(2)对构架和/或厂房设备多层布置的层数加以限制规定;(3)增加“装置竖向布置设计应使泄漏危险物料和消防溅洒物在装置内停留时间最短的规定”; (4)将精对苯二甲酸(PTA)固体火灾危险性修定为丙类,并对含油等污水的火灾危险性以及环氧乙烷稀释池等的火灾危险性加以规定;(5)增加对装置区分块面积和装置区总面积上限的规定。
Five items in application of Fire Prevention Code for Petrochemical Enterprise Design (GB 50160) are analyzed and the revise suggestions are proposed as follows. (1) Fitting ESD valves at main discharges of the equipment with high fire hazard. (2) Limiting the layers of frameworks and the workshops or equipment with multi-tier layout. (3) Adding the regulation of "unit designed in vertical direction should keep a shortest time of hazardous leakages or fighting splashes in it". (4) Reducing the fire hazardousness of solid PTA to the third grade, and making a specification on fire hazardousness of oily sewage and epoxyethane dilution pool. And (5) Regulating the up limits of plot and overall area of unit.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering