全球化时代,爱国主义的价值没有弱化反而凸显,因此,构建一个顺应 这个时代要求、具有时代特色的爱国主义价值体系,意义重大。全球化时代构 建的爱国主义价值体系,应该以全球作为价值视野、以理性作为价值特征、以 宽容作为价值要求、还要以人本性作为它的价值基础。
During the progress of globalization, value of patriotism is not reduced, but increased appreciably. So, it is very important to construct a set of values of patriotism, which goes with the current of the times and bears the imprint of it. To achieve this goal, as far as the author is concerned, the value system should have the global view, rational characters, and large latitude. Besides, it is supposed to regard people foremost.
Theoretic Observation