Purpose: To analyze the CT signs of lesion of solitary llodule surrounding abdominal part of aorta so as to improve the correct diagnostic rate. Materials and Methods- CT signs of 25 eases with lesion of solitary nodule surrounding abdominal part of aorta were studied retrospectively. All cases were verified by surgery or treatment. Results. 11 cases confirmed adrenal tumor. 3 cases wrer lymphoid metastases, 1 case lymphoid tuberculosis, 2 cases malignant lymphoid tinters. 2 cases liepataceUular carcinoma outside. 1 case accessory spleen, 2 cases varicosis with cirrhosis of liver, 2 cases intestinal tract no filling, 1 case was foot of diaphragm. All were nodules and had specific feature of computed tomogyapliy. Conelusion: Lesion of solitary nodule surrounding abdominal part of aorta can be correctly diagnosised by CT.
Modern Medical Imageology