中国云贵的晚二叠世玄武岩分布地区,发现了成百处坡缕缟石产出点。它可将10000×10-6的放射性溶质吸附清除,为各种性质的核废液的净化、固化及永久安全存放,展示了有经济价值的应用前景。坡缕缟石有独特的矿物结构;广泛的g-OH键、Si-OH-(Si)断键及配位水等,造成其在水油两相中,均可形成任意浓度的非牛顿流体网络结构,此种悬浮液有异常强的耐盐性和高热稳定性,可将核电站等废液中高量的Co50、Cs137、Cs139、Pu239及B ̄3+等离子(团)吸附、共价键结合或网络结构捕获,展示了解决人类环境难题的前景。
There are hundreds of the occurences of palygorskite discoveredto date in the late Permian basalt sheets throughout China. Because of its strongabsorption of varieties of radioactive solutes, palygorskite can be widely used todispose of the harmful substances in nuclear waste liquids or to make any nuclearliquid consolidation for the purpose of permanent and safe preservation. Theimportant property of palygorskite is responsible for its unique mineral structure,the presence of pervasive Mg-OH bonds and Si-OH-(Si ) off-bonds withcombination of coordinated water permit it to form a non-Newtonian fluid withrandom concentration in water-oil phase solutions, the suspended liquid ischaracterized by extremely high salt-and-heat resistance so that Co60, Cs137, Cs139,Pn239,and B3+ concentrated in such solutions as waste liquid drained off fromnuclear stations are captured through absorption of ions or ionic groups, orthrough connection of covalent bonds, or are screened by networkstructures. Without doubt, palygorskite will be easy resolving the problem ofnuclear pollution.
Guizhou Geology