通过对岸桥滑轮压痕现象调查结果和试验台试验数据的分析,对滑轮压痕产生的条件及影响因素 进行了论述。提出了“滑轮压痕的产生是一个系统问题”的论点,根据分析结果,从设计和使用2个方面,提出了避 免滑轮产生压痕应采取的措施,以及产生压痕以后的处理方法。
Through the survey and laboratory test on the impression phenomena in the grooves of sheaves which is found on quayside container cranes, this article analyzes the conditions and effect factor for the occurrence of the impression. The view of point that the impression on the sheaves is a system problem is put forward, the article gives some suggestions in the aspeets of design and application for avoiding the impression problems.
Port Operation