通过对数据仓库、联机分析处理(OLAP)、数据挖掘技术在决策支持系统中相互关系的研究,认为数据仓库和OLAP 之间,以及数据仓库和数据挖掘之间存在着单向支持的关系,提出了基于数据仓库的数据挖掘系统的原型框架设计;数据挖掘、OLAP 存在着双向联系,即数据挖掘为OLAP 提供一定的分析模式,OLAP 可对数据挖掘的结果进行技术验证,并对数据挖掘给予一定的数据属性的提示。
Based on analysis on relationships among Data Warehouse, OLAP and Data Mining techniques in the Decision Support System, two conclusions are got. The one is that unilateral support exists between Data Warehouse and each of OLAP and Data Mining and based on Data Warehouse, a design of a prototype architecture of Data Mining system is put forward; the other is that bilateral relationship exists between Data Mining and OLAP, in another words, Data Mining provides OLAP a certain analysis pattern and OLAP can verify the result of Data Mining and provides Data Mining certain data attributed suggestions.
Science & Technology of Baotou Steel