
中西“拒绝”言语行为比较研究 被引量:1

Comparative Study on the "Refusal" Sepech Act Between China and Western Countries
摘要 随着中西方国家的交流日益频繁,而从语用学角度对中西言语行为进行比较研究是增进中国与西方国家相互了解的一个重要途径,同时也可以为在跨文化交际中有效地实现言语行为(Speech act)提供一定的知道作用。那么,在“拒绝”言语行为方面中西方之间又有什么异同呢?本文依据从网上调查资料、各种相关文献以及实际问卷调查结果对中西“拒绝”言语行为进行比较研究。 With the frequent communication between China and western countries,Comparauve study on the speech act between China and Western countries from the languistic point of view is an important channel to increase the mutual understanding. It can also help to chieve the speech act effectively. However,what are the differences on the “refusal” speech act between China and Westevn countries? This article makes a comparative study bases on the investigation materials online,variouy related documents and some questionaires.
作者 谢元才
出处 《广西政法管理干部学院学报》 2005年第6期113-115,共3页 Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law
关键词 拒绝言语行为 礼貌原则 中西方 “refusal” speech act politeness principle China and Western Countries
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