
联合穿刺针行鞍麻防止肛肠病术后头痛的研究 被引量:2

Study on Preventing Cephalalgia Following the Operntion for Coloproctological Diseases with the Help of Combined Puncture to Saddle Block Anesthesia
摘要 为观察腰硬联合穿刺针用于鞍麻防止术后头痛发生的效果,将100例鞍麻患者随机分A,B两组各50例。A组:选用腰一硬联合穿刺针“亚光牌”16号硬膜外穿刺针,配套5号长腰穿针。B组:用“亚光牌”7号普通腰穿针。局麻药用0.75%布比卡因1.2ml加50%葡萄糖液0.1ml。随访观察麻醉后5d头痛发生率。结果显示,A组无1例头痛发生。B组17例出现头痛,伴呕吐2例,其中12例经对症治疗后症状消失,5例症状严重,加用硬膜外腔注射生理盐水填充治疗加口服去痛片后恢复。结果表明,腰一硬联合穿刺针用于鞍麻穿刺可明显减少脑脊液外漏引起的低压性头痛和假性脑脊膜炎引起的高压性头痛。 For observing the prevention effects of combined puncture to saddle block anesthesia on postop erative cephalalgia, 100 patients subjected to saddle block anesthesia were divided into A group (50 cases) and t3 group (other 50 cases). In A group, “YaGuang”16# epidural puncture needle (A “lumbar-epidural” combined puncture needle )was used and matched with 5# longer lumbar-puncture needle; in B group , “YaGuang” 7# common lumbar-puncture needle. The local anesthetic was 1.2 ml of 0. 75% bupivacaine plus 0. 1 ml of 50% glucose solution. Follow-up was performed for observing incidence of headache later after anesthesia. Results showed that in A group no headache occured; but in B group 17 patients felt headache ,and 2 patients were companied with vomiting,among them 12 patients‘ symptoms disappered following symptomatic therapy, 5 patients’ symptoms were serious so that have to inject physiological saline into their epidural cavity as filling therapy, and give oral administration of pain-killer then relieved . It is suggested that this combined puncture for saddle block anesthesia can significantly decrease the incidence of low pressure headache induced from external leakage of cerebrospinal fluid and the high pressure headache from meningismus.
出处 《中国肛肠病杂志》 2005年第9期15-16,共2页 Chinese Journal of Coloproctology
关键词 肛肠疾病 术后头痛 脊椎穿刺 鞍麻 硬膜外穿刺针 腰硬联合 肛肠病 50%葡萄糖液 硬膜外腔注射 头痛发生率 Coloproctological disease Postoperative cephalalgia Spinal puncture Saddle block anesthesia
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