
传输型光学遥感器超模式斜采样新方法研究 被引量:5

Study on Supermode&Tilting Mode Sampling Technology for EO
摘要 文章简要介绍了超模式和斜模式采样的概念,结合超模式采样技术和斜模式采样技术,提出 了一种新的传输型光学遥感器的采样方法,即超模式斜采样,该方法充分发挥了超模式和斜模式采样的优 点,在图像信噪比保持不变的情况下,地面采样间距大大缩短,遥感图像的空间分辨率可以大大提高。 The supermode sampling and tilting mode sampling technology are briefly presented in the paper. A new sampling technology named supermode tilting sampling is brought forward based on combining supermode sampling and tilting sampling. This sampling method fully employs the advantages of the supermode sampling and tilting mode sampling. The GSD will be decreased greatly without changing SNR of EO image, hence the spatial resolution of EO image will improved significantly.
出处 《航天返回与遥感》 2005年第3期43-46,共4页 Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing
关键词 超模式 斜模式 超模式斜采样 传输型光学遥感器 空间分辨率 Supermode Tilting mode Supermode & tilting mode sampling EO Spatial resolution
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