利用现场总线CAN BU S实现机械加工生产车间的数据采集与通信.将具有CAN总线通信功能的条形码数据采集器组网并进行数据的传输,实现了企业管理层与现场层的数据信息共享,从而实现企业信息化管理系统中生产现场的数据采集与通信,延伸了企业信息化的数据采集范围.
The way which utilize CAN BUS to achieve the data collection and communication in machining and proeessing workshop, will make the Bar-code data collectors which have the ability of CAN BUS communication composed in a network and communicated each other. This method actualize the share of data and information between the manager and the scene of enterprise, so the data collection and communication at the manufacture scene will be actualized the information manage system of enterprise, so this will extend the range of data collection of information of enterprise.
Journal of Xi an University of Engineering Science and Technology