针对目前国内农业推广方法应用选择中,实证性研究少,议论性表述多的状况, 2003年对河北省6个县的6个自然村539个农户进行了问卷调查及实证研究。内容包括:不同经 济类型区推广方法的有效率;不同的推广方法对农民接受新技术不同阶段的影响力;不同的推广方 法对不同年龄层次、文化程度的农民的影响力。旨在为农业推广人员依据不同地区、不同农户、不同 推广阶段,正确选择不同的推广方法,提高推广效率,提供科学的依据。
There were less empirical and more review studies on agricultural extension in our country at present. Accordingly, the questionnaire investigations and empirical studies to 539 rural households of 6 counties were implemented in 2003, which included the efficient rate of extension methods at different economic regions, the different extension methods' effect on rural people's acceptance to new technology, the different extension methods' effect on rural people of different age and education. Therefore, this paper provided scientific evidences for agricultural extension staff selecting of different extension methods according to various regions, households and extension periods.
Management of Agricultural Science and Technology