在25±1℃,75%±2%RH条件下,采用FAO方法和延长熏蒸时间的替代FAO方法对无色书虱3个品系YNQJLd1、QLd-8和GXHZLd1的成虫进行毒力测定,分别得出PH3致死中浓度(LC50)。熏蒸20小时,YNQJLd1、QLd-8和GXHZLd1的成虫LC50值分别为0.0079、0.7127和1.7586 mg/L,抗性品系的抗性系数分别为90和222倍:熏蒸72小时,YNQJLd1、QLd-8和GXHZLd1的成虫LC50值分别为0.0024、0.06994和0.21962 mg/L,抗性品系的抗性系数创分别为29和92倍;熏蒸144小时,YNQJLd1、QLd-8和GXHZLd1的成虫LC50值分别为0.00126、0.02288和0.09917 mg/L,抗性品系的抗性系数分别为18和79倍。结论:无色书虱同一品系成虫随着熏蒸时间的延长,可在较低的磷化氢浓度下达到较好的熏蒸效果。本研究的测定为今后的书虱磷化氢抗性研究工作提供了基础数据,为实仓的磷化氢熏蒸试验提供了可靠的参考依据。
The values of LC50 of aducts of 3 strains of L. decolor were determined through the method recommended by FAO and alternative FAO. Exposed 20h, the values of LC50 of adults of YNQJLdl,QLd - 8 and GXHZLdl were 0. 0097,0. 7127and 1. 7586mg/L respectively , the resistant factors(Rf)of resistant strains were 90 and 222 respectively;Exposed 72h, the values of LCs0 of adults of YNQJLdl,QLd- 8 and GXHXLdl were 0. 0024,0. 06994 and 0. 21962 mg/L respectively, the resistant factors(Rf)of resistant strains were 29 and 92 respectively; Exposed 144h, the values of LC50 of adults of YNQJLd1 QLd - 8 and GXHZLdl were 0. 00126,0. 02288 and 0. 09917 mg/L respectively, the resistant factors(Rf)of resistant strains were 18 and 79 respectively. The results showed that the LCs0 of adults of the same strain is detracted with extending exposed time, the insects can be controlled effectively at lower PH3 concentration. The results provided basic data for fumigation in practical warehouse.
Grain Storage