以城市交通环境的可持续发展为出发点,建立了上海市可持续交通指标体系。采用ExpertChoice Model(ECM)模型,以层次分析法为基本原理,对各类指标进行权重的计算;利用隶属函数及线性加权法进行综合指数的计算,从而对上海市城市交通可持续发展状况进行评价。
To establish sustainable transportation in Shanghai, this paper consulted the Expert Choice model. The AHP method was applied to set up an indicator system for the sustainable transportation development in Shanghai. Moreover, the weight of each indicator and the comprehensive index were calculated by the AHP method, the subordinate degree function and the linear weighted method. By these approaches, this paper tried to evaluate the status of the sustainable transportation development in Shanghai.
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