If we talk about Marx to be or not to be technology decide theorist in any meanings, we will have the deviations of the view and visual angle adopted while treating the role of technology in social development. Such two formula of deriving as production- technology- science and science- technology- produce not merely reflect people's different opinion to the technology' s roles in social development, but have meaning of world outlook. We must adhere to historical position of materialism about question of Marx at the technological issue of determinism. Firsdy we should define the problem field talked about. From productivity determining the relations of production, we shouldn' t think it determine the relations of production for technology. Marx thinks the social shape depends on and meets in the technological development level. It has emphasized it is the relations of production that should meet the demand for productivity development. The technology here and technology determinism has different linguistic context. Only under the speoial linguistic context, we can think Marx is the technology decide theorist.
Journal of Chendu College of Education
Technological determinism
People' s liberation