按照ISO 6145-2003、ISO 6144-1998标准,研制了新型气体标准物质动态配气装置,实现了微机对动态配气装置主要参数数据的实时监控.用该装置研制了氮中微量苯系物扩散管气体标准物质,量值的相对扩展不确定度为2%~3%,并与静态容量法配气进行了比较.
A new type instrument of dynamic volumetric device was developed according to ISO 6145 -2003 and ISO 6144 - 1998. The main parameters of dynamic volumetric device can be monitored and recorded by a personal computer. The calibration mixture gases of benzene series in nitrogen were prepared in the form of diffusion tubes by dynamic volumetric method and compared with that of preparation by static volumetric method, and the related expanded uncertainties of the calibration mixture gases were in the range of 2% - 3%.
Chemical Analysis And Meterage