乳源县位于广东省北部,地理位置约为东经112°52′~113°29′,北纬24°28′~25°06′之间.根据统计和调查,乳源县有野生种子植物171科,753属,1 910种.科、属、种的地理成分分析结果显示:科以泛热带成分为主(占57.14%),其中科的热带性成分占68.57%;属以泛热带分布最多(21.26%),其中属热带性成分占58.19%的;种以中国特有种最多(占53.53%),而种的热带性成分占29.25%.该区系的优势科主要有猕猴桃科、木通科、安息香科、山茱萸科、茜草科、金缕梅科、山茶科等,它们大多为热带和亚热带分布科.与邻近地区比较,与乐昌植物区系的联系最高,其次是车八岭和武夷山,黑石顶和广西大瑶山低一些,神农架最低.
Ruyuan County islocated in north of Guangdong Province,at 24°28' -25°06'N. and 112°52' 113°29'E. According to our investigations and statistics,there are 1 910 species of wild seed plants which belong to 753 genera and 171 families in Ruyuan County. Based on their geographical distribution, 171 families are classified into 11 areal-types, among them Pan-tropical element is dominant (57.14%) ,and the tropical elements make up 68.57%. 753 genera are classified into 15 areal-types, among them Pan-tropical element is dominant(21.26% ) ,and the tropical elements make up 58.19%. 1 9% species are classified into 15 areal-types, among them endemic to China element is dominant (53.53%) ,and the tropical elements make up 29.25%. The dominant families in this area are Actinidiaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Styracaceae, Cornaceae, Rubiaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Theaceae, etc. Most of them are tropical and subtropical families. Comparing the Composition of the flora with those of 4 neighbouring regions,the flora of Ruyuan is quite similar to those of Lechang.
Bulletin of Botanical Research