延长人工关节的有效使用寿命是人工关节研究的关键,而骨吸收和无菌性松动是影响其使用寿命的主要因素。由于人体的绝对个性化特点,标准人工假体与病人骨骼之间的误差使二者难以很好匹配,不能确保人工关节的长期稳定。同时,一些病人骨骼呈先天性畸形或由于骨骼病变造成骨与关节大面积损坏,其骨骼关节与正常情况明显不同,亦不可能选用标准人工假体。计算机辅助设计和制造(Com puter aided design/ Com puter aidedmanufacture,CAD/ CAM)通过对病人骨骼的三维重建,为每一位病人进行特殊设计和制造,提高了假体与病变骨骼的匹配度,提高了人工关节的长期稳定性,有效防止了关节松动。本文对CAD/ CAM定制式人工髋假体的优点、设计制造。
The key to the research of the hip prosthesis is to prolong the effective using time of the hip prosthesis,but bone loss and aseptic loosening are the influential factors in this aspect. Since each person has his own characteristic, it is difficult for the standard hip prosthesis to fit with the patient's femoral canal, so the stability can not the ensured. Moreover,some patients have congenital abnormality or a serious defect in bone or arthrosis, which makes an obvious deviation from the normal, therefore they can not use the standard hip prosthesis. CAD/CAM is useful for to individual three-dimensional femoral reconstruction, which can improve the stability of the prosthesis and effectively prevent the loosening of prosthesis. This article introduces the advantage, design, production and th problems of custom CAD/CAM hip prosthesis.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering