目的:探讨金属钛夹结合内镜圈套电凝在内镜下切除大肠息肉的可行性和优点。方法:我院消化内科2001年 ̄2003年收治的经内镜和病理组织学诊断的大肠息肉患者13例,在内镜下应用金属钛夹结合圈套电凝切除息肉。术后1、3、6个月随访病情,复查内镜。结果:13例患者的21枚息肉均顺利切除,恢复良好,术后1周病愈出院。术后1个月复查内镜,金属钛夹已完全脱落,创面凝固理想,术后1、3、6个月随访患者,术前的肠道临床症状(腹痛,腹泻,便血等)无复发,无迟发性出血、穿孔等并发症。结论:金属钛夹结合内镜下圈套电凝切除大肠息肉的应用,简单方便、安全有效,可以减少内镜治疗引起的急性、迟发性并发症(出血、穿孔)。
Objective To discuss the feasibility and advantage of the use of titanium ring clamp and endoscopic electric coagulation therapy on large colorectal polyps. Methods: 13 patients with large colorectal polyps diagnosed by endoscope and pathology were treated in gastrointestinal department from 2001 to 2003, and resected by titanium ring clamp and endoscopic electric coagulation therapy. Follow up-visit and endoscope examination was applied after 1, 3, 6 month. Results 21 polyps of 13 patients were resected successfi.dly, and discharged from hospital as cured after 1 week. Titanium ring clamp were shed, and the recovery of wound surface was fine. Intestinal symptom (abdominal pain, diarrhea, hemafecia) were not recurred, complication such as delayed hemorrhage and perforation were not found. Conclusion The use of titanium ring clamp and endoscopic electric coagulation therapy is efficient and safe on resection of large colorectal polypus by endoscope, it can decrease acute and chronic complication of endoscopic therapy such as hemorrhage and perforation.
Jilin Medical Journal
Titanium ring clamp
Colorectal polyps
Electric coagulation therapy