The common saddle stitching machines are extensively applied in the different scale printing and binding enterprises. But they have no examination control function, after starting the machine, the binding action of machine has been carrying out, whether the book is appearing or the paper is blocked up. In order to avoid the otiose binding actions, prolonging the service life of the machine, and to avoid the damage to the machine because of blocking up the machine by paper, we have improved the construction of the common saddle stitching machine, and added the ahility of photoelectrical examination control for the machine, making machine having an ability of identifying book. According to movement of the stitching heads fixed on the machine, and when the automatically. the identifying result, the machine is able to control the paper blocks up the machine, the machine can shut down automatically.
Mechanical Engineering & Automation
saddle stitching machine
improving construction of machine
the photoelectrical examination control