[目的]了解龙岩市部分市售食品中单核细胞增生李斯特菌的污染状况.[方法]2000~2004年在龙岩市新罗区北市场和韭菜园市场采集市售生肉、熟肉制品、生牛乳、冰激凌、水产品及生食蔬菜进行检测.[结果]检测6类410份食品,检出14株LM,检出率为3.4%.其中生肉中检出13株,阳性率为6.5%;水产品中检出1株,阳性率为3.3%.大多数被污染食品的MPN值在150/100 g左右,个别生肉达270/100g.14株均对庆大霉素、氯霉素、四环素、环丙沙星、呋喃妥因、氨苄青霉素敏感,8株对复方新诺明耐药,4株对红霉素、5株对氟哌酸、3株对万古霉素耐药,有2株对青霉素G、利福平、麦迪霉素耐药.[结论]龙岩市生肉、水产品存在LM的污染.
[Objective]To understand the Listeria monocytogenes' (LM) pollution situation on some foods sold in Longyan. [Methods]To detect the raw meat, the cooked meat,the fresh milk, the ice cream,the aquatic product and the vegetables drawed out from Xinluo market and Jiucaiyuan market in 2000 -2004. [Results]14 LM strains were found out from 410 food samples, the positive rate is 3.4 %; 13 strains were from raw meat,the positive rate is 6.5 %;1 strain from the aquatic product and the positive rate is 3.3%. The MPN of most of the polluted food was at about 150/100 g,some raw meet samples reached 270/100 g. All strains were sensitive to Gentamicin Chloramphenicol,Tetrzcycline,Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride, Nitrofurantoin, Ampicillin; 8 strains were resistant to Sulfamethoxazole,4 strains resistant to Erythromycin,5 strains resistant to Norfloxacin, 3strains resistant to Vancomycin, and 2 strains resistant to Penicillin G, Rifampin,Mikamycin. [Conclusion]The raw meat and the aquatic product have LMs pollution in Longyan.
Preventive Medicine Tribune