

Comment on Cooperation among the Allies at First Stage of WW n by Observing the Reorganizing Polish Army on Soviet Territories in 1941
摘要 战时波兰流亡政府与苏联政府外交关系的恢复及随后苏联领土上一支波兰军队的建立, 完全是英美与苏联大国关系的“副产品”。英国政府自战争开始后,一直试图将苏联政府拉向自己一边,苏德战争的爆发使英国政府与苏联政府的合作成为可能。为此,英国政府不惜一定程度上以波兰国家利益为代价。同时,苏联政府为扭转苏德战争初期溃败的局势及获得西方的援助,同意恢复苏波外交关系并允许在苏联领土上建立一支波兰军队。在反法西斯阵营中大国与大国、大国与小国之间, 在合作的同时又存在着各自利益的冲突,大国之间的交易常常以小国作为代价。苏联领土上这支波兰军队的组建,即体现了在战争初期盟国间的这种合作。 During the World War II, the restoration of the diplomatic relations between the Poland Exiling Government and the Soviet Government and late the reorganization of the Polish Army on the Soviet territories was indeed a by-product of the relations between the big powers of Britain, the USA and the Soviet Union. At the very beginning after the war breaking out, the British Government had been trying to drag the Soviet Government to its side. And the eruption of the war between the Soviet Union and the Fascist Germany made it possible the cooperation between them at the sacrifice, to some extend, of the nation' s interests of the Poland. At the some time, in order to change its being defeated situation at the beginning stage and get the support from the West, the Soviet Government agreed to restore the diplomatic relations with the Polish Government and reorganize a Polish Army. Within the anti-Fascist sphere, there existed both cooperation and conflict concerning their interest among the big and small, big and big countries. The collaboration between the big ones was often at the cost of the small ones. The reorganization of the Polish Army at the Soviet territories proved such cooperation among the Allies at beginning of the War.
作者 徐玲
出处 《洛阳大学学报》 2005年第3期67-71,共5页 Journal of Luoyang University
关键词 波兰军队 苏联 英国 西科尔斯基 代价 合作 Polish Army the Soviet Union Britain Sicholski cost cooperation
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