使用专用的技、战术录像分析系统(S IM I°Scou t),对中、日足球运动员在比赛条件下进行运动距离测量和跑速分析。结果显示,3名中国运动员全场运动距离平均为9 300 m,两名日本运动员平均运动距离为9 700 m;下半场运动员距离比上半场有所减少,中国运动员减少量高于日本运动员;从运动形式上看,“冲刺”、“快跑”两项之和占总距离的10%;运动员下半场活动范围一般比上半场有所增加。
Through using special technical and tactical video analysis system (SIMI0 Scout),ths paper made movement distance measurement and speed analysis of soccer players from China and Japan. The result showed that 3 Chinese player's average running distance was 9300m, while 2 Japanese player's average running distance was 9700m. The movement distance at second half was shorter than that of first half. The reducing volume of movement distance of Chinese Players was higher than that of Japanese players. The sprint and fast running account for 10% of total running distance. The range of running of players at second half slightly increased than that of first half.
China Sport Science and Technology