Complete transverse section of descending colon was done in 44 dogs. In the first group (20 dogs), the colon was rapidly prepared by thorough cleansing. The severed ends were anastomosed by interrupted end-end mucosal and seromuscular suture. The abdominal cavity was thoroughly washed and drained. Broad spectrum antibiotics both intravenously and intraperitoneally were given. The mortality after operation was 10%. No anastomotic leak was found. The second group (24 dogs) was further divided into 4 subgroups. In each subgroup, one item of the treatments above mentioned was omitted. The total motality of this group was 41.6%. Leakage of anastomosis was found in one dog in the 7th day after operation. It is concluded that the chief cause of death in primary closure of colon injury is peritonitis associated with septicemia. The incidence of anastomotic leak is much less in the dog than in the human It is because of the deferences of anatomy and histology of the colon in the two species.
Chinese Journal of Trauma