Eighty-three cases of renal trauma were admitted to this hospital from 1960 through 1983. Only 3 were penetrating injuries. All the patients had hematuria. The incidence and duration of hematuria were closely related to the degree of damage of the renal parenchyma. The 83 cases were classified according to the type of injury into 4 groups: 1. contusion (65.1%); 2. laceration(28.9%):3, fragmentation (4.8%) and 4. renal pedicle injury (1.2%) . 74 cases (89.2%) were treated conservatively. 9 cases (10.8%) were operated. Nephrectomy was done in 5 cases (6%) . Radiological examination was indispensable to the diagnosis and treatment of renal injuries. When the conditions permit, a large dose of excretory nrography (IVP) should be performed. Affirmative diagnosis was obtained in 94% of the cases. In the management of renal trauma, the incidence of operative treatment and nephrectomy is higher in our country than abroad. A prudent policy in the treatment of these patients should be observed to avoid operation and nephrectomy since all contusions and most cases of renal lacerations could heal spontaneously.
Chinese Journal of Trauma