
论养老金制度的结构性改革与寿险公司的市场定位 被引量:1

摘要 养老金制度的结构性改革体现在两个层面:一是养老金制度整体结构的调整,二是政府主导下的公共养老金计划运行机制的转变。基于部分经合组织(OECD)国家经验数据的回归分析,国家公共养老金计划的保障水平与寿险深度之间具有高度负相关性。立足于我国养老金制度改革的具体实践和未来走向,寿险公司应及时调整其在养老保险市场中的定位,包括谋求参与基本养老保险个人账户养老金的发放及个人账户积累养老基金的投资运营;积极参与企业年金市场开拓,充当企业年金基金的法人受托机构,以及调整寿险产品定位,大力开拓城镇和农村商业养老保险市场。 The structural reform of public pension systems can be manifested in two aspects : one is to restructure the integrated pension systems,the other is to change the mechanisms of public pension plan. Based on the regression analysis on the several countries of OECD ,a conclusion can be drawn that the correlation between the benefit level of public pension and the life insurance premiums as a percentage of GDP is negative. Confronted with the practice and the future reform of public pension systems in China,the life insurance corporations have to readjust the orientation in the pension market, such as the annuitization of personal account, as a trustee of occupational pension fund and to pioneer the rural pension market.
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第10期14-19,共6页 Insurance Studies
关键词 养老金制度 企业年金 寿险公司 市场定位 pension system occupational pension life insurance corporation
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